Supervisors--Ph.D Supervisors  
Service Computing and Software system  
Shiguang Ju
Name Shiguang Ju
Title Professor
Office Phone 0511-889980718
E-mail jushig@cnlawyer18.com
Location Room 423, CS Building, Jiangsu University
1) 2003~2004 Visiting Professor of Texas Tech University, USA.
2) 1999 Full professor of Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico
3) 1996 Associate professor of Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico
4) 1992-1996 Ph. D. Candidate in Department of Computer Science of Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico, P. R. China. Ph. D Degree 1996
5) 1985-1988 Graduate Student in Computer Engineering, NanJing University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China. MS. Degree March 1990
6) 1978-1982 Undergraduate Student in Computer Science, JiangSu University of Science and Technology, ZhenJiang, Jiangsu, China. BS. Degree Jul. 1982
Fields of research:
Sparse representation, nearest neighbor learning, manifold learning, dimensionality reduction, metric learning, deep learning and evidential reasoning.
1) Distributed Computing System, for postgraduate students
2) Object orient data base management system, for postgraduate students
3) Convert Channel, for postgraduate students
4) Operating System, for undergraduate students
5) Data Base management system, for undergraduate students
Research achievements
1) Shiguang Ju, Xiaoyu Song, On the formal Characterization of Covert channel, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3309, pp155-160, 2004.(SCI)
2) Shiguang Ju, Yang Zhen, Changda WANG, dian-chun Guo, The analysis of authorization mechanisms in the grid. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3032, Springer 2004, pp1047-1050. (SCI)
3) Shiguang Ju, Hector J. Hernandez and Lan Zhang, A Security Access Control Mechanism for a Multi-layer Heterogeneous Storage Structure. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3033, Springer 2004, pp907-912. (SCI)
4) Shiguang Ju, Guo Dianchun, Yang Zhen and Zheng Wenyi, Research on the methods of search and elimination in covert channels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3033, Springer 2004, pp988-991. (SCI)
5) Cai Tao, Ju ShiGuang, Niu DeJiao. Numerical Negative Selection Algorithm. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Vol.19, No.5 (201010) 703-712.(SCI Indexed, UT ISI:000283074200006; EIIndexed, Accession number: 20104313327193)
6) Cai Tao, Ju ShiGuang, Zhao JunJie, Niu DeJiao. Research of hot-spot selection algorithm in virtual address switch. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3759, Springer 2005, 111-119.(SCI Indexed, UT ISI:000233739300013; EIIndexed, Accession number: 06219894455)
7) Ju ShiGuang, Xiao HuiFeng, Cai Tao. A Detector Generating Algorithm Based on Interval Partition. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Vol.5, Issue 1 January 2009, 27-33.(SCI Indexed, UT ISI:000265103800026)
8) Shiguang Ju, Siu-Yeung Cho and Feng Li,Mining user hidden semantics from image content for image retrieval,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
9) Xue AnRong, Shiguang Ju, Study on algorithm for local outlier detection, Chinese Journal of Computers. Vol 30 No.8 Aug.2007
1) New artificial immune algorithm for intelligent disk. Fund by Natural Science Foundation of China Education Ministry. 2009-2011
2) The artificial immune based access control for storage network system. Fund by Jiangsu Education Department of China. 2008-2010
1) The Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Jiangsu Province, China, 2002.
2) The Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Jiangsu Province, China, 1985.
3) The Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Machinery Ministry, China, 1984
4) The Prize of Excellent Software, JiangSu Province, China, 1999.
5) The Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, ZhenJiang, China, 2003.
6) The Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, ZhenJiang, China, 2008.
Social part-time job
1) PC of System Software committee, China Computer Society
2) PC of Distance Education committee, Jiangsu province Computer Society
3) PC of China Image and Graphics Society
4) Technologu Consultant of Yunzhou District People Govement, Zhenjiang
5) Member of China Computer Society
6) Member of Jiangsu province Computer Society
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Address:School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering JiangSu University ,ZhenJiang,JiangSu Province Post Code:212013   Tel:0511-88780371 Email:jsj@cnlawyer18.com